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This is a collection of Donovan's published media. He has been featured in many other publications and platforms, and his work has helped to inspire and motivate people all over the world.

Donovan holding a massage gun while weearing a COROS watch and a Big Sur Hat


In the MVMNT Vlog

Wanting to share his journey of running and new ventures across the world, Donovan has a goal of storytelling to inspire others 



Running Conversations will always be unique. Justin H. and Donovan partnered up for a season of Charge Running's podcast where they had a slew of different conversations with each other as well as other individuals. Listen in to them as they share their personal stories and share other's stories.

Charge Running Logo
Photo of Arizone, New York City, Scotland, and several pairs of running shoes

Social Media


Donovan has always had an interesting relationship with social media. Unsure if it should be a personal account or a business account, Donovan just blended the two. He shares vulnerable stories as well as tips & and tricks for your fitness journey. It's a public journal of his life and journey. 


Get to know Donovan

Donovan on NFPT Page for an interview
Donovan jumping in Scotland

Being an industry leader in personal training, group fitness, and now the running world, Donovan has been requested for a number of interviews. Get to know Donovan in a new light and if you are interested, you can shine the light on him by reaching out via email. 

Donovan's Strava Page Profile


Cardio with Donovan

Donovan truly believes that iron sharpens iron. With using Strava to record his cardio, he not only inspires others but sees everyone else doing the work as well. Thriving off their energy, Donovan uses it to keep himself motivated through his training. 

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